Me & my baby
My Dad
My Mom
Brock, my Dad, Candice, Shalene & Jim
Grandma & Grandpa Porter
You can't really tell but I'm on the far right
I know this is going to sound weird, but I almost didn't go to graduation aka the pinning ceremony. I didn't really know anyone in my class except for a few girls and I was so done with school. Plus, I'm not one for big crowds or big productions. But, my amazing husband talked me into doing it and I'm glad I did. It's tradition to wear all white (can't remember why) and everyone looked really nice. The ceremony was perfect. Not too long, but not too short either. As they announced our name, we walked across the stage and had a speech that we individually recorded playing while we were being pinned. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, while your speech is being played, you had to stay up on stage in front of everyone until is finished. So, me being the smart person I am, decided to keep it short & sweet. They announce my name, start playing my speech, and I finish getting pinned two seconds after my speech was done.... no need to stand and gawk out into the audience!! I know, smart huh? Well, I got made fun of because it was so short so I'd like to take this moment to say what I didn't say that night. To my husband Brock... thank you for being such an amazing person. You are my rock and you remind me that life is too short to stress out about the little things. Thanks for always making me laugh and making my life so sweet. To my parents... where do I begin? You have been on this journey with me longer than anyone and have given me the opportunity of a lifetime. I would not be where I am today without you and am so grateful for the endless love & support that you have given me. To all my other friends and family, thank you so much for your encouragement and support. Above all, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for giving me such great family and friends and for helping me through school, because I know without a doubt He is the only reason I made it through school. P.S. Sorry some of the pictures are blurry... it was madness after the ceremony.