Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fat and Happy

So I'm sitting on my recliner flipping through the channels on tv and I come across the AMA awards show. What a great boost for my self-esteem... Carrie Underwood is strutting her stuff onstage showing her rockin' hot body while I sit here in my sweats & baggy t-shirt while my husband is googly eyed & drooling over Carrie Underwood. I think even my dog was drooling over her. Does it make me want to hit the gym? Does it inspire me to take better care of myself so I can stop complaining? Nope... it makes me want to shove another chocolate chip cookie into my mouth. Mmmm..... chocolate.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Puppy Chow Dance

Usually on Sunday we all have dinner at my in-laws and afterwards, my sister in law Calli makes us treats. She decided to make Puppy Chow and things got a little exciting while she was making it. Watch the video and see what I mean. Craziest family I love it!