We are officially Utah-ards/Utards (?). Not sure how to spell that but we made it! The past few weeks have been crazy but we made it & we're settling into our new home. Once we decided to move here, we literally had 3 weeks to find a place to live and move. Brock & I gave our two weeks notice and after our last day of work we flew to Utah (thanks to my Aunt-Stepmom) to find a place to live. I had to leave Addie which was super hard because I have not left that baby overnight since I had her. I did better than I thought & I didn't cry. Anyways, we found a house to rent in Lehi which I'm excited about. We have a garden, a good sized backyard for our 2 doggies, and the whole house has been updated with new paint and most of the house has new carpet. I really like it and we both felt good about the house even though we're paying more than we would like. So, after we found our house, we had a week to pack up and move. Did I mention moving is horrible?! You don't realize how much junk you have until you have to put it somewhere. I gave a ton of stuff away to DI and there is a ton of stuff I'm missing. I learned you take as much as you can with you even though it stinks putting it somewhere. Why? Because just in our first week here we have visited Wal-Mart pretty much every night and have spent TONS of money on stupid things like cleaning supplies, paper towels, groceries, blah, blah, blah.... stuff you don't think is expensive until you have to buy it all! My dad was kind enough to haul a trailer with our stuff up to Utah and Brock drove his truck loaded with stuff. It was quite the trip... we got to bed at 3 and woke up at 5:30am to make the drive to Utah. With a baby. And two dogs. On no sleep. Two words... good times. Well we survived and have slowly been settling in. I must say I LOVE this Utah weather. I heard someone complain about how hot it was and I had to laugh. I'm sure once winter hits I may not be so fond of Utah but I'm not going to lie... I am loving it so far. We've already had my cousin Sharae & her hubby Ty over cuz their pretty much our only family here. It's been hard to be away from family but I know this is where we're supposed to be. I think we needed this change in our life and it's been good for us so far. But I still want visitors!! I am officially a stay-at-home mom (gag-so weird to hear myself say that) so I don't do ANYTHING. And I'm a boring person so besides taking care of my munchkin I don't do anything else. Maybe I should get a hobby? Pff that's overrated.

My last day of work with Elida, Tatum, and Kelly. These girls rock!

I have the best co-workers ever. They threw me a huge luncheon with SO much food. I was shocked I didn't cry. Don't worry I made up for it after work, I couldn't stop crying. I honestly work with the best group of people and I am going to miss them SO much!

Brock splurged on our weekend getaway since we didn't have the baby. We had so much fun! Kinda got to know each other all over again since we hadn't been alone in almost 5 months!

My cutie pie in one of my favorite outfits. I died when I saw the ruffled jean skirt at Old Navy!

Words cannot express how hard it was to say goodbye to my mom. She & I are so close and it's been really tough not seeing her every week. Watching her drive away was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a long time. I love this crazy lady!!

Pit stop in Panguitch. We let the dogs out and Brock attempted to catch some sleep.

This little girl is the best traveler! She did so good on the trip which was one less thing to worry about

Our new house! We're renting to see if we can manage living in Utah :)

I have a garden with a chicken coop!

Other half of the garden (I'm trying not to kill it but I'm not doing a very good job, I need serious help). Our dogs don't know what to do with themselves but you can tell they are loving the weather too!

Addie was so excited to see the new house she got a head start :)

Trying to eat my sunglasses

She loves sweet potatoes!!

Reminds me of the glasses my Great Grandma used to wear

So since we're fat and like to eat (a LOT) we've already been trying all kinds of places to eat. This picture is from Pizza Factory. So far we've been to Tucano's (yum!), Purple Turtle, Beto's, The Pie, & Red Iguana. We're still trying to find a grub Mexican place but I've heard we're not going to find one that's comparable to AZ

And finally, our new car! We sold my Honda Civic before we left and car hunting was
horrible. We spent more than we should have but the used car market is crazy and I don't miss squeezing the three of us into Brock's single cab Toyota truck that's stick shift. We agreed that we didn't like spending that much on a vehicle but this car will last us a long time and we can fill it with kids (not anytime soon). And there you have it!