Sunday was my birthday. I turned 25 years old. I'm not one to make a production out of things especially my birthday so although it was low key, it was rad. My husband rocks! Saturday we spend the day together, had Ned's for lunch, shared an Orange Dreamsicle Bahama Rama Mama (soooo good), then had dinner at Carrabba's with family. Later that night, he gave me a full body lotion massage (with a happy ending). On Sunday we had an amazing home cooked meal by his parents, then everyone came over for cake & ice cream. It was awesome. I got so many great gifts from Brock & my family. I'm one spoiled lady!!

My first present. One word... Yay!

My second present. Two words... holy crap!

My most favorite presents of all

Brock & Addie at dinner
The next part is oober/uber (?) cheesy so you might just want to skip it all together.
Dear Brock,
You know I suck at communicating (which is kinda important in a marriage). You know I say one thing & mean another. You can read me like an open book and sometimes I seriously wonder if you can read my mind. I can be the most frustrating person in the world yet somehow you find a way to put up with me & love me at the same time. I am a better person because of you. You get me out of my comfort zone (with me kicking & screaming the whole time) which I am so grateful for. There are times when I wonder why you even married me at all yet I'm so glad you did. You make me laugh, cry, angry, and happy all at the same time. Thank you for the most amazing birthday. I love you.
The End.