Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fat and Happy

So I'm sitting on my recliner flipping through the channels on tv and I come across the AMA awards show. What a great boost for my self-esteem... Carrie Underwood is strutting her stuff onstage showing her rockin' hot body while I sit here in my sweats & baggy t-shirt while my husband is googly eyed & drooling over Carrie Underwood. I think even my dog was drooling over her. Does it make me want to hit the gym? Does it inspire me to take better care of myself so I can stop complaining? Nope... it makes me want to shove another chocolate chip cookie into my mouth. Mmmm..... chocolate.


Becca said...

HAHA i hear you on that one!!

Kaylee said...


Anonymous said...

seriously? you can stalk my blog anytime :) because this post is freaking awesome. you did the right thing by shoving another cookie into your mouth, i would have done the same thing:) i was watching carrie underwood lastnight on some christmas special. actually my husband was. he was feeding me the alfredo that i made for him. i assumed since he kept wanting me to eat that he didn't care if i looked like carrie or not, that girl needs to eat some cookies and alfredo, stat!

anyway, i am glad you commented! i love making new blog friends! i am going to follow you now if that's okay?

Anonymous said...

i know, my neighbor is awesome! haha, i can't wait to see what it looks like when she is all done! i see you got married in March! good month to get married :)