I've been promising pictures of our house for the longest time so here you go! These are before, during, and after pictures. We still don't have everything finished but we're pretty much settled in. Enjoy!

Our house looks haunted

These next few pictures are of the backyard which still needs TONS of work

This is the view looking out from our back door. The palm tree is gone now though

That door you see in our fence is a gate to a wide open trail behind our house. It's rad.

The last part of our backyard

This is our old dining room before the remodel

Brock by the fireplace. We painted the floor grey because we thought we needed either a painted floor or carpet to get our loan (has to do with stupid FHA rules or something).

The family room

This is a shot of the awesome tile work that was done in our master bathroom. Not only did they not finish the tile job, but they tiled right over the bathtub and up the walls, and even created an extra step in front of the tub. I had a picture somewhere but I can't find it. Quality stuff though.

This is the hall bathroom. It has double sinks which I was excited about. We have pretty much left this alone for now. Yes, it's ugly but we ran out of money and it will do for now. I do have big plans for it though!

This is one of our bedrooms. I think someone was shot and bled to death on the carpet. Brock thinks a dog gave birth in here. Either way, nappy carpet.

The other bedroom

This lovely picture is our kitchen ceiling. I was doing major cleaning so we could get ready for paint and I think the kitchen was one of the worst places. As you can see, there is a line from where I have cleaned and where I have not. I scrubbed and used Clorox so much the paint started coming off.

I think this picture is when we were getting ready to scrape popcorn ceilings

This was our sliding door to the backyard. It had the biggest crown molding I have ever seen all the way around it. However, the people did not consider the light switch on the left hand side getting in the way. So what did they do? They went ahead and did the crown molding but cut some of it out so they could use the light switch. Again, I thought I had a picture but can't find it. We already removed the molding in this picture. Now we have French doors instead but I didn't take a picture cuz they're sooo dirty from the dogs.

This was the room with the nappy carpet

A shot of our master bedroom after carpet is out

This is Brock demolishing the master bathroom

This is our pile of crap that we removed from our house. Our master bedroom has a window that is pretty big so we dumped everything right outside our master bedroom. It sat there for a couple months before Brock finally got rid of it.

This is the process of scraping popcorn ceilings. I took some masks from work so we didn't die from lung disease while trying to fix our house up. It was a LOT of work. My arms were so stinkin' sore and I hardly did any scraping haha. What made it worse was the fact that it was August, we had no AC, and we were spraying water all over our ceilings. It was muggy, hot, and just gross.

Me again

Brock got stuck with the room that had their popcorn ceiling painted which makes it SO much harder to scrape. It took him forever to get that room done.

Just another picture of popcorn ceiling all over the place

More pictures of our mess

It literally looked like it had snowed in our house it was such a mess. Thank goodness we taped everything off.

This is me attempting to use the machine that texturizes the ceilings. It was so heavy!

Us after re-texturizing the ceilings

My sweaty man after scraping ceilings

More snow

So now onto the finished product! This is my pantry. It's big and I need to fill it. Now I can have food storage!

This is my laundry room which is right next to my pantry

My kitchen. We have the lovely 80's cabinets (which I saw in Neverending Story!). We're planning on replacing the cabinets and putting granite countertops in.

Our dining area now. Still needs paint.

Our family room now. Again, still needs paint. We have a really small wall and a really big TV. I decorated as much I could for Christmas. Need more stuff though.

Our family room. Yes, my couches are ugly and outdated but don't judge them until you have sat on them. These couches have been in my life since I can remember and I am emotionally attached to them. I will seriously cry the day they have to go away. Brock keeps trying to get rid of them. I told him if they disappear so will he. :)

My hallway

The hall bathroom. All I did was add the shower curtain but it made quite the difference!

I finally have a guest room! Thanks to my dad, I have an Americana room.

Another shot of my Americana room

Our master bedroom. I don't if anyone else sleeps with separate blankets but we do! I'm trying to find that perfect comforter.

Another shot of our bedroom

Our master bathroom. I LOVE our granite!!

Yes, our shower is granite too... love that too!

Our master closet. Brock and his friend TC built it by hand. It turned out perfect. Sorry it's messy but it's my closet so it's fine right?

Brock's side of the closet