Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sock It To Me

I don't really have anything to blog about. Ok, I lied. I just remembered something to blog about. Last week my baby brother was beat up pretty badly (long story) and had to have surgery on his jaw. He had to have it wired shut and it will stay that way for about 3-4 weeks. So when I heard about his incident it just broke my heart. He broke his jaw in two spots on the right side and had to have a metal plate put in. My mom sent me pics from her phone so sorry this isn't the best quality. This is him after surgery. Doesn't this make you so sad?

Poor kid. Back in 2006 he almost died in a horrid car accident and by the time he got out of the hospital he looked so skinny. So he went from this...

To this...
It's pretty amazing he's not a drooling vegetable. Anyway, so he got really skinny after his bad accident and how he has his jaw wired shut and will probably get really skinny again. I think that was hard for him to hear because he's already skinny but he works out and drinks lots of protein shakes to try and bulk up. Oh well... life's full of hard lessons. He is doing good though. He can talk but his right upper lip may or may not be permanently paralyzed. We're hoping it's temporary but we'll see. So other than that, I have nothing to blog about. We're almost done with the semester and Brock can't wait. For those of you who are wondering about his wrists, he's doing much better. Here are some pictures from way back. I never posted them sorry!

Brock just before surgery

Had to have the IV in his foot since they needed his arms for surgery

They marked both arms with "Yes" so they didn't give him a boob job or something crazy

Not happy after surgery

This is just one arm before stitches came out. His incisions look really good now. He has 9 screws in his left wrist and 8 screws in his right wrist. So yeah, that's about it! Not much of an update but better than nothing I guess. The weather is warming up fast and spring has pretty much come and gone. We already have our AC on so I can only imagine what our bills are going to be like haha. For those of you who are out of town, come visit before it gets freakishly hot!


Jim and Shalene said...

That picture is really sad. I am interested in the "long story" part. I'm so glad that Brock is finally almost back to normal...Those days were not so good.

melissa hogle said...

That breaks my heart for your borther. I hope he has a speedy and full recovery.

We are the delightfully happy Denhalters said...

Hey Jess, this picture is so sad! That poor kid. I just came across your blog, its so nice to see you doing so good! you are such a sweet heart! I hope your brother is all right! We'll pray for him!