Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ok, I'm just posting something cuz it's been too long and I'm tired of looking at Justin Bieber. Life is good. We just got back from a trip to New York with the family and it was so fun. Pictures to come. We got back and our back yard has grass and our dogs are so big!! Well, Harley is anyways. Again, pictures will come. I actually have time to this week to mess around with the blog a bit. The weather has been pretty hot & humid. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a pool... but we don't so I have to deal with it. Brock is going to start school again soon and he's dreading it. I don't blame him but only one more year to go! I'm done with school in November and can't wait. I'm so done. But I also said that after nursing school and I went back for my bachelor's right away. Oh well. So this is it for now. More to come later!

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