Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is It Really 2012?!

I've been reading about everyone's fabulous parties on ringing in the New Year and I have to say mine is pretty tough to compete with. Brock worked and I fell asleep at 11:15 pm. I really tried to make this New Year better than last time. Last year I was preggo and fell asleep after a very long 12 hour shift and woke up to Brock forcing me out of the chair to record him lighting off fireworks. Then I went straight to bed after that. Honestly though, what am I going to do by myself? It's crazy to think another year has passed and what have I done with my life? This past year was pretty eventful. Brock turned 27 years old, Addie was born (I cry every time I think about that lately), Brock graduated with honors from ASU, we moved up to Utah, and we both lost weight from doing the wheat free diet. I know everyone makes resolutions on the start of a New Year but I usually don't because I just know I'm not going to keep them. But this year is different. Why? Because I said so. I have some major goals I want to accomplish and if I can be disciplined enough to not eat wheat, I can other hard things too. I'm not saying eating wheat free was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but for those who know me, it was quite the accomplishment. SO... here's to 2012! May all your wildest dreams come true! :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

SZERVUSZ-TOK! Holy cow, Huffaker! You're alive! I thought you must have evaporated into a cloud of glory after the mish since I didn't hear anything about you since then... AND THEN HERE YOU ARE. Hajni (who I lovingly refer to as Hinni-hoo) blog stalks you apparently and mentioned that you now live in the land of zion. So, I think you're rad and your wife is hilarious--most entertaining blog I've stalked in awhile. so, mi ujsag in the last 9 years?