Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy 28th Garrett

I just want to wish my big brother Garrett a Happy Birthday. He would have been 28 years old and probably would have had 5 kids by now haha. My mom, my little brother & I had his favorite chocolate cake to celebrate his birthday and we reminisced about what memories we have of him. I hate to admit it, but I have very few, which makes me very sad. Garrett was so much older than me so by the time I really remember things about him, he was already out of the house. I remember his sense of humor and how easy going he was. He didn't get mad often, but when he did you knew he was serious, especially because he would clench his jaw super tight. He was always thinking up new ideas and wanting to build something. I remember after we rode my Uncle Doug's zipline, Garrett wanted to build his own and I was going to help. I remember he was always on the phone (usually with a girl)... one day while he was on the phone, Derek decided it would be funny to moon him through the bedroom window. So while Derek had his cheeks planted on the window, Garrett snuck to the back door and mooned Derek back. I remember him driving us other kids around in the Jeep with the top off and the doors off... we thought we were hot stuff. I remember how skinny he was no matter what he ate. I remember he was a good older brother and I miss him a lot. I imagine what life would be like with him here and it's kinda hard to think about because I'm so used to him being gone. It's hard to believe its been 8 years he's been gone. I just want to say I'm grateful for the plan of salvation and grateful to have the gospel in my life. I don't know how people live life without it. I'm grateful for my Savior and I know he loves me and watches over my family & I. I'm grateful for my family (that includes the Huffakers too!) and I hope that everyone never forgets how short life is... don't take it for granted because you never know what might happen.


amber said...

Hey Jes, I hope you are doing well with his birthday. I hope it wasn't too hard on you.
We are making our blog private, so would you mind sending me your email address so I can add you? amjarvis787@gmail.com

melissa hogle said...

Jes- I am really sorry that you had this loss in your life! You are such a strong person and I am sure your brother would be proud of you!