Sunday, April 12, 2009

Brock & I went up to Greer with our friends TC & Melissa Hogle and stayed at her grandparent's cabin for Spring Break. It was so fun and the weather was perfect! The guys got in some hunting and Brock made the shot of his life (so far). We were out hunting and the guys were looking for anything that moved. They found a few squirrels and chipmunks but didn't really have much luck. As we were heading back to the cabin, they spotted a huge bird so TC stopped the truck and Brock was getting his gun out. Right as Brock got his sights on the bird it flew away. Brock was so upset. But then, TC noticed another bird from the other side of the road and again, as Brock was getting his sights on the bird it started to fly away. This bird however, flew right over us. So as it was flying over, Brock decided to take the shot... and he nailed it midair! I've never seen my husband so happy. It really was so cool and I'm excited for him. I didn't realize how big those crows are, but man, those things could do some damage. Anyways, I meant to post these pictures a long time ago. Thanks TC & Melissa (and your grandparents) for letting us stay at your awesome cabin. It was so fun!

Brock with his bird
He kept the feet... Not really sure what happened to the rest of the bird
Pictures don't quite show just how big this bird was
Everyone looks so excited
Some of our view
Looking from the side of the cabin
Cute little Macy!!!


Darren, Felicia, Judd, & Jake said...

Jes...glad to see you two are doing well! I loved the story about the big kill! My husband is exactly the same...loves to shoot anything that moves haha! Congrats on nursing school, i'm so excited and jealous! Way to go!

Bonnie and Kirk said...

Did you at least eat the crow so it wasn't a complete waste of life!

TJ Ali Bridget Kate said...

I am super impressed! Crows scare the crap out of me, so keep up the good work Brock!
Jeska, I LOVED the nurse post! I laughed so hard! Ahh to have another human's bodily fluids all over you, an experience only nurses and mothers get to have regularly! Congrats again! You Rock!