Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Late Update

This update is 2 months too late but I just barely got the pictures uploaded to my computer. Meet Maximus J Barainca. He was born August 18, 2009. My sister-in-law Shalene did AWESOME! It was 18 hours of labor (I think) and I have a new found respect for you mom's out there. I've always respected women for giving birth but actually being there for the whole thing was awesome. Now I can see why you're never the same after you give birth... those nurses are brutal. :) Isn't this kid SO cute? I' don't have any recent pictures but you can always check out Shalene's blog for super cute pics. It was pretty scary because when Max came out he was pretty blue. They laid him on Shalene then two seconds later they took him to the little table in the corner of the room and started bagging him (giving him extra oxygen). They didn't have to do CPR thank goodness but it took him a while to start crying. Once he did, we all cried with him. There was such a special spirit in the room and you could tell Shalene was POOPED. Now Max is 2 months old and we had his baby blessing this last Sunday. He is getting cuter and fatter by the day. I love being an aunt! Maybe I'll just be the cool aunt with dogs. Who needs kids right? We have enough kids in the family already. :) Enjoy the pictures! Hopefully I'll get more soon.

This is how Max came out... hand by the face!
He loves Daddy's finger
I can't get enough of this kid!

1 comment:

melissa hogle said...

He is a cutie! I miss you Jess, and I will come help you decorate whenever you want!