Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Meet Harley

Meet Duke. He has been a part of our family since June 5, 2009. He was my birthday present last year. Duke has been so much fun and we love him so much. The only problem was he was lonely. While we are gone during the day, he would sit by the gate and whine for who knows how long. So we thought... What should we do to change that?

(Sorry this is the only picture I have of Duke not laying on his back)
Meet Harley. She has been a part of our family since May 11, 2010. Yep... Duke has a friend!

She loves her new home

And she loves her new friend Duke

Yep. It's true. We were crazy enough to get another dog. I felt like we were getting another kid. I asked Brock," Are we really ready for this? Can we really handle another one?" Well, ready or not we have her and we are so happy. She is the cutest thing and pretty much everything she does is cute. Except for when she almost pees in the house... which is why she never comes in haha. We had been considering another dog for quite awhile but after seeing my friend Chloe's adorable puppy, we had to have one for ourselves. I know my mom was hoping for a grand-baby but Harley will have to do for now. Sorry, Mom. :) She's definitely been fun but kinda stressful at the same time. Duke was about 3 months old when we got him so he was little but not really. She's like 8 weeks old. She's tough though cuz Duke will run full speed and totally mow her over. She yelps but she's totally fine... just a little surprised I'm sure. If anyone has good tips on potty training techniques for her I'd totally love to hear it. I'm planning on getting a kennel to put up to our doggy door and try that method. We definitely can't leave her in the house cuz even following her every move we've had close calls. She's fast I tell you.


Bonnie and Kirk said...

Crate training all the way. There is a great book about it-- The Art of Raising a Puppy by The Monks of New Skete. They are pretty hardcore trainers but they have some good stuff about Puppies and training. And, you guys are brave. When Kirk mentions getting another puppy I want to cry. It is so much work!! You can never let them out of your sight or else they are peeing. At least you can diaper babies! The day Sally stopped going in the house was a glorious one!! Good luck!

chloƩ said...

OMG!!! i can't tell you how happy this post made me!! i wish that Moses and Harley could meet! they could be boyfriend and girlfriend!AHHHH! what day was she born? is she a pure lab! i need all the details! haha, i am so happy. she is adorable! so adorable. we have been crate/kennell training mosey. he stays in the house in the crate for most of the day. i feel bad, but we have to fence off part of our backyard first before he can live back there! i suggest crate training because they will NEVER pee where they sleep! i guess it is like some proven fact. so he will whine or cry when he has to go. there have been a few accidents in the house when we let him out to run around, but now he starts going to the door and scratching on it when he wants to go out! he has started to learn that he is supposed to pee outside! it has been great! oh man.. good luck on everything! i am so happy for you guys!!! maybe ill do a post later on some tips that we have picked up this past month with a new puppy! it has been a crazy/fun/ amazing experience! he has learned so much already, and i am sure Harley will do just the same!! where did you get her? gosh, sorry for all the questions! i love puppies and am just so excited for you!!

melissa hogle said...

When are you guys going to talk my husband into getting me a dog? We all need to pressure him together!