Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's My Birfday

This is totally late and I should have pictures with it but.... I don't. I will later though. I just wanted to write about my birthday over the weekend. I turned 24 years old!! My mom told me..."Wow, you're getting old!" I had to laugh. I love my mom. Anyways, it was a great birthday and I have an amazing husband who listened to all my subtle hints (Honey, I want new scrubs and an exercise ball). I actually started the celebration on Thursday. I worked but Brock told me I couldn't go home because there was a present that needed to be hid. Since I love getting presents and surprises, I was a good girl and didn't drive straight home. We hung out at our friend's house for a bit then went home. After we pulled into the garage, I looked at Brock kinda like "I'm going in the house now are you going to stop me" and waited for him to say something but he just smiled at me so I went in the house and I saw my awesome present!! After he heard me scream like a little girl he realized he forgot about the present haha. Oh well. Then on Friday my mom took us out to lunch at Casa Reynoso which is the similar to our favorite restaurant LaCasita in Show Low. Then she came over to our house and I got more presents!! After she left my dad came down and brought me another present (even if he doesn't count it as my present). Friday night Brock took me scrub shopping as part of his present but when we got to the mall we had no luck... it's a long story I'll explain more when the pictures come. On Saturday, which was my actual birthday, I slept in as long as I wanted. Oh wait, I do that anyway. We went over to Shalene's house and swam for like an hour then we got ready to eat at Oregano's (sooo good!). I had another fantastic surprise once I got to Oregano's with more presents there (more details later)! I had the best birthday even though I kinda had a cold going on. Who gets a cold in June on their birthday? Apparently, me. I go all winter without catching anything and then it shows up on my birthday. Oh well. Brock was a sport even though I wasn't too fun to be around the whole weekend and had snot running uncontrollably out one nostril for a good portion of it, he still made it amazing for me. I am the luckiest girl. I have a great husband, an amazing family (that includes the in-laws) and so much to be thankful for. I promise pictures and details will come later!!

1 comment:

melissa hogle said...

Oh Happy Birthday again! You are so awesome! Brock did so good on your present- what a good hubby!