Monday, January 10, 2011


Beware of this crazy post. I'm doing an update from November so the pictures are going to be kinda out of order. I realized I have been terrible about taking pictures and have vowed to do better. Anyways, we had a good Christmas & New Years. I worked Christmas Day but was able to get off early so I could enjoy the family party that was happening at our house... which reminds me I need to post pictures of our yard. It's so different from when we first bought the house! Brock has worked so hard on it & it looks pretty good. Kirk & Bonnie joined us for Christmas this year & we were able to get family pictures. As part of our Huffaker Christmas, we all had to make music videos. I'm not going to lie.... at first I wasn't too excited about it. I'm a total introvert so doing stuff like that is super hard for me. Well... it turned out to be awesome!! I have never laughed so hard in my life. I married into an amazing family! I'll post the videos too don't you worry. I have to get permission to post one of them though. Anyways, I also worked New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. My poor husband is such a good sport... I fell asleep at 10pm and he woke me up at 11:45pm holding a glass of Martinelli's. He said, "I'm not spending New Year's by myself!" So I woke up long enough for him to give me a big hug and kiss while welcoming the New Year... actually it turned midnight & he ran outside to light fireworks. What a guy. :) Brock turned 27 years old on the 6th... crazy how time flies! It's also been a year since this:

How grateful I am he's pretty much back to normal. His birthday was pretty low key. Ever since he finished the semester we've been going somewhere or doing something so for his birthday we did whatever.
This is the what's left of Texas Cheese Fries from Chili's... our favorite. Brock likes to scrape the pan and eat the cheese. Pretty gross if you ask me!

Just the two of us after spending the day together

Brock at Rito's in Phoenix (one of his favorite places)

Yummy guac tostada from Rito's

My niece was able to come spend a couple days with us and it was so awesome getting to see her! She got a makeup kit for Christmas and this is her putting blush on Harley. It was pretty funny actually! Harley was pretty good with it but Duke was not down.

Our Christmas tree

Better late than never but this is from my niece's baptism

Jayda with her daddy

I stole these from my sister in law Shalene. Our cute Huffaker family!

Us girls doing what we call the "Yeah face"

Kirk told us to act surprised... don't ask me why I felt the need to have my hands in the air

All the Huffaker girls

So there you have it!! Oh before I forget here is the video Brock made. I need to get permission from everyone else before I go posting their videos. Enjoy!

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