Friday, October 17, 2008

The Glam Party!

A couple weekends ago, we had a party at my sister in law Shalene's house. Now, Shalene is my hero. She loves to throw a party and does a dang good job at doing it too. She went all out... music, decorations, dinner was served to us, the list goes on. Shalene provides so much excitement to my mundane life it's awesome! So below are some pictures from the party. Yes, I am embarrassed to admit but my outfit did not allow me to wear anything underneath so I am a little immodest. I probably should have gone with something more modest, but Calli talked me into the dress, and it was too good to pass up even if it was super tight. We had so much fun and if anyone wants to see more pics, go to Shalene's blog to check out her slide show.

Me & my pimp daddy
Smokin' hot!
We have hardly any pictures of the party because Brock can't resist taking pictures like this
This is Cory...He dressed up like a caveman
Yes, that's Cory's wig on Jim's head. I think he looks like the Geico caveman


Shalene said...

Check it out !!

Aaron N Beki said...

Hehe! This is great Jes! Looks like fun!