Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biggest Loser Baby!

Can you believe it?! Brock & I have decided to do our own Biggest Loser along with his sister's and their husbands. It was his sister Shalene who decided we should do this over the course 8 weeks. I am so excited!! Nervous, but excited. I know this is going to be a good thing for me and hopefully Brock feels the same. I decided to use my blog as my journal for this journey. Even though it has only been less than a week, I'm already starting to get a feel for how hard this is going to be. For those of you who know me, my sweets and carbs are going to be really hard to give up. But, I WANT to do this and I WILL do this because I CAN. Just have to think positive. Wish us luck!!! Go team...woo hoo! 

1 comment:

Shalene said...

So is it so sad that it is week 4 and as of last Wednesday I am only down 3 lbs..I should be down 8 by now. I must shift it into a higher gear....